8 hours ago Obesity Sends Health Costs Soaring

1000 health care professionals claim the cost of treating obesity-related ailments has risen

percent over a 15-year period.
6 hours ago Iran thumbs its nose at the US

Iran ? 050627
axz sumo_wrestlers skip breakfast & eat dinner. this is how they get themselves Huge. apparently there many aspiring SW's training for the underground_sumo_wrestling_championships.

the % increase in probability of obesity given skipping_breakfast as a factor: 400!

skipping_breakfast is the single most commonality amongst the underground sumos.
Lucy oh !

thats interesting..

can you explain...

is it that if you miss meals...

your body stores it as fat the next time you eat?
axz google it. there many reasons. fat converting enzymes. unconscious psycho stress. food choices. blood sugar levels. apparently the causes run as deep as our DNA. bodybuilders have a good amt of knowledge on this. along with 6-8 meals/day, "little-and-often" is even taken as far as setting alarm clocks for 3am (or even more than once!) to eat a small meal. this helps decrease the # of fat converting enzymes making it more difficult to gain fat or at least not do it for "free" so far as kcals go. 070228
th EARTH_is_on_a_diet 120517
oren high_fructose_corn_syrup 120518
what's it to you?
who go