icy yeah, fuck you and how you think i should live. 051223
Maple Tree i hope so... 060219
*SuPeR^ChIcK* Please! 060219
icy and so this is your happily_ever_after?
these are your big plans,
you have reached your ultimate goal?
congratulations are in order,
but don't expect me to be
happy for you.
don't expect me to want what you want,
to crave what makes you passionate.
we are different people
and that is what makes life interesting.
so what if you don't always understand?
it's not required,
and i don't have to have everything
all figured out.
this is my happily_ever_after,
don't_love_me, don't judge me,
and we'll be fine...
sirflaccid They pretend, but not so well. It’s there to see. Yet, neither will pry the fingers from their eyes. They grow older everyday, and this life becomes common. The nagging, the lies and mistrust will wear the guise of communication, and we’ll all live happily ever after. 060312
icy there is no such thing... i can't believe in it anymore.
what's it to you?
who go