impossibility I had a little keyboard
And it had a little bar
Which I pressed incessantly
But never got too far.
I couldn't find a programme
That wasn't boring sport.
My brain was turning into mush,
And couldn't hold a thought.
I have a little problem
With space between my ears,
When Deardree is in full flight
And driving me to tears.
I'm going to buy a monkey,
And call it Little Billy.
I'll have it do my work for me
And drive it fucking silly.
And when the monkey finally
Begins to scream and shout.
I'll sack the little bugger,
And get a new one out.
Arrow space bar Arrow space bar
space bar space bar press
I have for now turned off my brain
I'm sleeping for the rest.
clara deardreee
you bore me
you are so blue
why the bloody hell
don't you smile occasionally?
umsy I too had a keyboard,
Till three minutes ago,
But when I turned the console on
It disappeared to the Land of No
I woke up from my slumber
To spot T whizzing past R
And P rapped me on the knuckles
And left, I dunno where.
Now all I have with me
Is and I and a T
The rest of 'em, you see
Have been hijacked by Deardree.
hm . 060410
what's it to you?
who go