quotree Grow not too high, grow not too far from home,
Green tree, whose roots are in the granite's face!
Taller than silver spire or golden dome
A tree may grow above its earthy place,
And taller than a cloud, but not so tall
The root may not be mother to the stem,
Lifting rich plenty, though the rivers fall,
To the cold sunny leaves to nourish them.
Have done with blossoms for a time, be bare;
Split rock; plunge downward; take heroic soil, ---
Deeper than bones, no pasture for you there:
Deeper than water, deeper than gold and oil:
Earth's fiery core alone can feed the bough
That blooms between Orion and the Plough.
girl_jane The trees are exposed.
They're open to the freezing winds,
the piercing rains,
and the eyes of everybody who walks by.

They're arms outstretched-
reaching for something better-
reaching to bring down the clouds for cover.

Meanwhile they pray that their roots do not rot.
They pray that men do not come with axes or chain saws.
They pray for safety.

I pray for them...and myself-that we find shelter-clothing-protection.
what's it to you?
who go