sigmund I'm on vacation, that's what I keep telling myself. Every time I decide to check the status of circumstances I find I was only dreaming again. That's when I get paranoid and can't relax. Things don't seem to be the way they appear and I find people communicating with double talk. It's scary and then again also pitiful.

So who should I be next time?
I figure I'm constantly attempting to balance myself between realty and madness, I don't know how long one can remain in such a position, I would think one would eventually go over the edge of sanity and forever be lost in a sort of twilight or dementia.

That's what it feels like. I've discovered that ignoring people by now is the only thing that helps.
kookaburra i cant relax...
are you kidding?
do you see all of those people on the street.
one starts laughing...are they laughing at me.
i must stop it, but how?
i must make it known that i know of the joke...
and so i must stay vigilant..
unhinged sandalwood 101005
what's it to you?
who go