fyn gula I have seen three sparrows fly down amongst the small crowd in front of the market, secretly rolling grapes that fell unnoticed.
each time they peck, the grape gets away from them a little more until the threat of discovery becomes serious and
they must give up their treasure.
therefore each effort, knowing it could be their last is done with all the strength within, until the flesh of the grape glistens on the tip of their beaks.
while feathered throats swallow, value is placed in the little known life.
even here there is risk and choice and hope and faith.
to fly away knowing tomorrow a tomato will drop and be kicked aside to the place only three sparrows can see.
dog god God dog! 001204
. . 050110
jane to_fly_away_knowing sanity_blinds smudge 050814
jane each beat of the wings brings us closer to the sun 050814
sab that it isnt going to help

to stay here, knowing that it isnt going to help.

and i wonder and i wonder
but im never really sure.

i know why icarus flew too close to the sun
he was in a dangerous mood
what's it to you?
who go