kingsuperspecial the booty call I just made. now it's too late, and she's on the way over.

I know I'll feel bad...

after I get some, of course...

(a) slave to the weewee
freakizh that i kissed
and let me kiss
to tranquilize myself
milky have a bunch of enemies to hate with devotion and love 010716
Allie that I stole that $30 from some random person who happened to drop their wallet on the side of the road. I turned it into the post office..they'll get their ID back right? 010716
Aimee loving you 010716
yummyC heh.
a recent mistake

fuck you, pot.
JadedEdge Feel BAD?? Why should I feel anything at all. It just makes it all that much easier...not to feel. And maybe, if you do start to feel bad, just give your shoulder a little brush. It'll go away, eventually...hopefully. Feel bad. Right. Sure. Feel BAD?? Why should I feel anything at all. It just makes it all that much easier... not to... 040223
jimmy feeling good 040224
what's it to you?
who go