whitechocolatewalrus like everything i write is shit

but i'm okay with that
mon uow . 050303
mon uow like i_can't_paint
like i_can't_play
like i_can't_sing
like i can't anything
mon uow sometimes i feel 050304
mon uow sometimes i don't 050304
mon uow sometimes it's all alright 050304
mon uow sometimes i want to scream 050304
methinx ...usualy I would like to avoid it. 050304
m avoid feeling?

how boring
methinx I lied. 050304
. the dark subconscious of all humanity 050305
ambermoon like a bottomless pit of screams 050305
whitechocolatewalrus sometimes i feel like i don't know who i am 050409
delial sometimes i feel so wrapped up in love, so covered, safe, and buried in it, that i feel as if i can never be hurt again. 050409
whitechocolatewalrus sometimes i feel like i am the only one who knows
but then i realize i am probably the only one who doesn't know
tom jones like a motherless_child 050605
birdmad channeling marc almond i've got to run away
i've gor to get away
perv really, really horny and then i feel the urge to masturbate in public - in front of many people, i love the look on their faces, how their jaw hits the ground and the obsceneties they yell at me in disbelief. then i also love to come on some random poor idiot, member of the audience.

so simple we are.
Freak like i dont have a partner
sometimes i feel like my only friend...
what's it to you?
who go