typhoid gasping for air
pull me out
or hold my hand
girl_jane into the feather pillows-but I'm asleep before I get the chance to position my face so I don't get smothered...I wonder when I'll wake up... 020328
birdmad into this breeze that rides the forefront of the year's first lightning storm

capsized in my dream

drowning in a sea_of_faces

there was no rain this winter

there are no wildflowers to underscore spring

these clouds hover over rumbling with threats of a deluge

every desiccated parcel of earth and every wild plant crying out to the clouds that it might be so

but again, the wind changes directions and only the first drops - the ones that whet this thirst - fall to the ground

and the dust_devils spin on the streetcorners
no reason choose to let this go 020807
somenom quick sand - ready in an instant 050601
somenom quiksand 050601
what's it to you?
who go