pushpins all religions make me wanna throw up all religions make me sick all religions make me wanna throw up all religions suck they all claim that they have the truth that'll set you free just give 'em all your money and they'll set you free free for a fee they all claim that they have 'the answer' when they don't even know the question they're just a bunch of liars they just want your money they just want your consciousness 020102
ever dumbening sit and watch your breath

it's that simple
cube pushpins,
i'd have to agree that what you posted qualifies as vomit all right...
pushpins its a song.

not created by me

but I agree with it.
p2 me too
i don't believe in religion
but i know i'm going to hell

anyone else
ever wonder
if we're already in hell
with part of the torment being
that we'll never know?
god religion sucks llama ass 030620
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl we arent in hell atm
because there are things that are in hell
that we cant even think of
but its scary just to think
we may be.
grendel poena_sensus / poena_damni 040104
mathieu Religion ? A good reason for war, the best reason, maybe. My god hates your god, let's kill each other.

Religions have war as objective, covered by words of peace. Who would like of a god that says "kill, my sons, I made you for that" ?
what's it to you?
who go