DannyHq Isq itq betterq toq beq niceq orq toq beq goodq? 011102
whoknows its true that being nice isnt necessarily being good... but if youre good, arent you nice? of course there are situations in which people may not realize that youre helping them, but in the end its for theyre own good and you were being nice.

and whats up with the q's
nah....! he does that sometimes (the q's, that is). it's cool, but rather irritating. 011111
whoknows shperhaps shill shput sh shin shfront shof shall shmy shwords... shbut shno, shthats shstupid shisnt shit 011112
whoknows oops 011112
Sonya Some people have a hard time distinguishing being "nice" from being "good" - I know I do sometimes.

I think being good is better because usually when someone is good or has good conduct they are being true. They have good intentions deep down that extend far beyond just being "nice" to someone.

On the other hand a lot of people who seem nice or appear to be nice could be putting up false fronts or in the words of Holden Caulfield: "they're phonies". We're often nice because we feel like we "have" to be, not necessarily because we want to be.

I guess the same thing could be said about being "good" but most people I encounter take the route of being nice while having bad intentions.
DannyHq Coolq, butq irritatingq? Perhapsq anq exampleq ofq goodq butq notq niceq. Iq'mq sorryq ifq itq pissesq youq off peopleq. Itq comesq fromq thatq desireq toq jumpq intoq aq patchq ofq virginq snowq andq theq needq toq twistq thingsq aroundq soq youq canq seeq themq properlyq. 011112
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