They Might Be Giants My Man
Muscles from hand to foot
Completely coated in
Uninterrupted skin
My Man
Signals command the leg
To follow orders coming down from headquarters
Why, then,
Am I in bed?
I guess
My Man's
Fallen out with my head

May I direct your attention to the following simile:
You're like the coasts of an ocean
Buried beneath is a submarine cable
Connecting the opposite shores that surround it

My Man
How can he stand?
Your fingers could encircle
Clear around the ankle
My Man
Won't walk again
In conflict with express instructions given by the brain
Why can't
The message be sent?
I guess
My Man's
Fallen out with my head

When something happens to drag on the floor of the ocean, for instance, an anchor or mooring,
The cable can be disrupted and even be severed
Which halts the transmission across it

There is no way
To repair the break

My Man
Muscles from hand to foot
Completely coated in
Uninterrupted skin
My Man
Signals command the leg
To follow orders coming down from headquarters
My Man
How can he stand?
My Man
Muscles from hand to foot
Completely coated in
Uninterrupted skin
My Man
Won't walk again...
girl_jane I don't have a man. I don't have a guy. I don't even have a boy. The closest thing I've got is...well...I guess nothing comes close to having a man... 021127
megan im sorry girl jane.. but he will come, i promise.. just give it some time.. 021128
girl_jane thanks :) 021128
mey my man my man.....i wish i could say he was my man. 021223
what's it to you?
who go