maruku i'm so lagged..
i'm gonna call this "dex_lag".
i can't even catch a mouse.
the world's stupidist mouse.
stares me in the eyes 2 inches away for a couple minutes, then goes aobut its business
like i was never there.
and cleans, eats at pipes, wires.
looks like a tasty piece of lint you got there
mr. mouse.
so he/she skididle didle didles out of there, on his itty bitty mousy feet, mr. mousy, slow as molasases, not even, pudda patta, he goes and hides, i have my vase (for water for a plant) and he goes and hides, i go to catch, he hides, i fill it with water, he reappears (ghosty little devil) and i go after him again, come here, little friend, but i'm dex_lagged, so i am moving so so so slow, never know, i cant catch him even though he doesnt even really see me.
little bugger.
through my legs, walk nice and slow, over my foot, oh, wher'd he go? into the back of the bathroom behind the brooms and mops, never mind, i don't even care about you
mr. mousy
my plants want water
frankenfistkitten line a mousetrap with a bit of chocolate on the trigger

he sounds like a tasty snack

what's it to you?
who go