birdmad dammit, i should have brought more of them from home 080729
grendel one of the daffodils in residence got about 6 pounds of the things and gave them away because she could not be convinced that they are ever so goddamned good and tasty and so forth, so i got a 2 pound bag of them and am enjoying them immensely, so i brought some to work and ate them with breakfast, now it is midafternoon and i want MOOOOOOORE!!

plus i'm having a short attention span day today so i'm also fighting the_urge_to_do_something_stupid
that is... the_urge_to_do_something_dumb 080729
snook Never had one, never even heard of em... 080730
birdmad predominantly Asian fruit, about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of a kiwi, covered in a coarse skin that red when ripe.

the fruit has a rather large single seed and the flesh of it tastes similar to a grape, but not entirely

very juicy and very sweet, but not overpoweringly so
self correcting bird that IS red when ripe 080730
snook They look something like a strawberry with a rash. However, my curiosity is peaked, I'll have to find some. 080730
Ourboros lychee sake martini on my birthday 080730
what's it to you?
who go