paste! down on your old vapors, there are thousands of unrelated biscuits that are screaming of smattered inhalation, due course of course, since family trees get all delicate from seeing the fastest way to arrive on the sun.

they are leaving capital city for the entrance to lung pyramid, the one near green 6 now oot, plus newspapers and shang, without shiny new wheels for a papyrus anti-wagon.

oh hum the chimes
magnificent little reverb

stop trying to make everything secret
burden haven't you dried out yet?

paste! fuck no, i'm a fountain 020814
lycanthrope with pathetic dried raisins, and lethargic day conclusions 020814
paste! dangerous evil has spoken

my drivel is better than yours and so on...
lycanthrope oh pumpkin i see too clearly where there's two or three jacko lanterns and inorganic love defense. don't rationalize it into taste, or i'll rub it on my hands till it's dead skin and eat it. 020814
lycanthrope and just enough to really dirt. 020814
jackie "dessert tray molestation" mc cracken but only after you thoroughly chastize_the_flan and berate_the_trail_mix 020814
what's it to you?
who go