. When you do not love anyone, and yet you still feel unrequited.

"Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better." (henry rollins)
unhinged quote 050819
pete when each friend is in their fartherest orbit 050820
pete cant spell *farthest 050820
daf Loneliness is a consequence of overlooking the fact that you're never alone. 050820
unhinged when no one notices your tears
when your phone sits silent
friday and saturday nights spent in solitary confinement
because the thought of
calling people who don't call you
to try to find something to do
seems contrived

i guess from the beginning of it all
i never really felt alive
until someone else noticed
a tacit acknowledgement
that i too
have a heart that bleeds
(seemingly more than most)
what's it to you?
who go