thunderbuck ram Blatherskite ladies' pics giving me the horn:

1. Girl Jane
2. Pralines & Cream
3. Endless Desire
4. x
5. Bizzar
6. Jane
7. Megan
8. TalviFatin
kookaburra good thing i took my picture down...

if i wasn't on this list it would be a blow to my self-esteem and if i were it would be creepy.

avoided a lose-lose situation
somebody That's just wrong. 041025
thunderbuck ram You won then kookaburra

Wrong, sometimes? What's wrong? A judgement call and mine's always been poor. Laugh, cry, ignore, whatever.

I'm best ignored, but a laugh at me won't do any harm
thunderbuck ram Some take wings and soar, others merely cause a tiny flap and flop! On reflection this was a misplaced bit of fun hatched on the spur of an idle moment, not meant to scare or offend. In contrition, and metaphorically, I fall on my sword (but don't all cheer too wildly, please). 041026
. LOOFA_MITT 041026
what's it to you?
who go