god hello goddess. how are you. i'm talkin' to you. the one who thinks it isn't her i'm talking about. 001208
goddess hi god. i came up with something for Judgement Day this morning, but i forgot it. i'm okay. i feel like an intervening jerk.

-goddess here today, tomorrow, next week!
god it doesn't matter. the fact that you're here is enough. 001208
god (einar orn?) the sugarcubes are great. "life's too good" was the first one i got. whatever happened to the rest of them.... 001208
daxle is that you stirring the energy? 050125
blown cherry Do you believe in a god that makes you bow? Do you believe in a god that makes you frown?

Do you believe in me?

Fuck DJ's can be so conceited!
But it's easy to see how they can get that way with a few thousand wide eyed worshippers at their feet.
And I have to admit that between 4 and 5pm yesterday afternoon she was definitely a goddess to me.

likes bexta and the big day out
what's it to you?
who go