somebody For your information, the "new Jane" is fuffle_and_kuffsleeve, aka mr_song, and his real name is not Jane. The lack of respect is truly astounding, isn't it! 071022
jane actually i think that's a female. could be wrong. it's a bit frustrating, as impersonators in the past have been a bit more obvious. oh well, what can you do. keep on blathing, i guess. 071022
embarrassed i hereby apologize to kuffsleeve_and_fuffle. 071023
fuffle apologizing about what ?
what the duck is wrong with some people around here ?
minnesota_chris I'm not sure if they're impersonating, or just using a good name without realizing that someone else uses it. 071024
jane i think i've been pretty clear about what i've written & not written. 071024
minnesota_chris well it's obvious to you, and to the people who have blathed for years, but most folks would have no idea. 071028
fuffle really then ? what the duck is that ?

some times i look at my favourite colors and wonder at them i wonder at the stars . what does this mean ?
what's it to you?
who go