monadh are foreign shores to me
though I was once a traveller
in their embrace
dB The streets of this forlorn city on these wet autmn nights are my salvation. 010311
monadh we took shelter from the falling rain
under that generous canopy
built just for the two of us

I used to take
the bus downtown
to her gracious steps

just to hear the people
tell their stories

hear the troubadours
of rain and wind
sing their hearts torments
hopeunknown The glow of life surrounds me

as our souls all melt together

no one sees me, or so I notice

they all seem like movie-extras that just pass by

the man in the buisness suit, the old lady shuffling down the sidewalk, the man playing a guitar

they are fun to observe, like fish in a tank

but deep inside I wonder

who are they really? what are they like?

everyone has a story to tell...

But the thought passes by abruptly when the blaring roar of a car sneaks up near me

oh, how I wish I lived there...

suburbia just doesn't cut it for me...
what's it to you?
who go