Aimee When I was in Germany, I got really sick, so Frau (our teacher) told me to drink some... I was supposed to drink 4 cups, but it was hard enough to choke down 1 cup. I get sick from drinking coffee and tea... 010715
paste! i once walked in the desert, with a camel, for 70 miles. i had 3 ounces of water and i survived. luckily for me, i had a "Dune Suit" designed by David Lynch that reprocessed my urine into a source of hydration so i wouldn't die. plus, the desert was in my living room and i didn't actually have a camel. it was a female Ukranian ex-soldier and we played twister for 4 days...naked. that is all, my friend. my waiflike, precocious monosyllabic wonderwheel. you can go now, you can go back to your cafeteria. 010716
celestias shadow tea for cheapskates 031029
x chamomile_tea 031029
u24 funny, when I was in Germany, I had the bastard hangover from hell, got force fed the stuff and chucked my guts up.. felt better afterwards, though. 031112
x they must have some intense chamomile tea in germany. around here it's pretty common to drink it for mild relaxation, and not puking. 031112
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