my local book stor(i)es

my local book store is my best friend.
she gives me warm smiles
as she invites in me,
excitedly showing me her new dresses.

my local book store is a tart,
flirting with my wallet
teasing my mind
hitching up her skirts
to show me her new stockings

my local book store is a warm old grandmother
offering me coffee
and hot buttered muffins
while showing me the new flowers in her garden

my local book store is a nutty professor
who pulls open dusty drawers
to show me something new in his collection
of bones and butterflies,
treasure and trits.

my local book store is aladins cave
i am allowed anytying i like
but i must ultimatly pay the price.

the bookshelves in my batcave
are starting to heavily resemble
my local book store.

my wallet is starting to resemble
my rapidly_empting_local_book_store.
squint temptress

my last purchase was requiem_for_a_dream
good book
good movie.
starved narrow, but deeply recessed in a storefront in a place mostly alien to me, redolent with that comforting smell of old books

a reprint of an old greek story as written by the author Longus

a silly little trifle of a romance

so far removed from reality
celestias shadow I love book stores with a passion. The best kind are the ones like the one in my town- used book stores with disorganized shelves overflowing with books. I could get lost in there for hours. 031119
Casey We found a new book store. It's only open on Saturdays. The owner is old and smokes a pipe. I found old 1930's editions of Shakespere plays, a 1899 edition of Bacon's essays, and a 1913 edition of poetry from Edgar Guest for 5 bucks. Zach found a copy of In Cold Blood and a playboy from 1979. 060403
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