unhinged chug chug chug
clank clank

i don't have to get bundled up to go to sleep this winter, even in the dangerous cold, even though the storm windows are still open. for the first time in years, i am not bone chilled. free radiator heat; hell yes.

go little radiator
i know you can
i know you can
i know you can
unhinged i put my underwear and inner layers on top while i am in the shower

it is the most amazing sensation. i get those polar diver people now. from the sauna to the ice pool back to the sauna.

from the steam room of my bathroom when i take a shower, prance down the hallway to the radiator and slip on the toasty underwears.
unhinged settle down over there 101103
h|s|g I got a new apt.. And they putheateright behind my dresser. and_so all my clothING is toasty. tactile_treats warm_weaves and good_jeans 101207
unhinged now i put a pan of water over the radiator near my bed as a poor man's humidifier so i just keep the underwear on top of the radiator in the bathroom. toasty drawers still rock my world.

did they put the heat behind your dresser or did you put your dresser in front of the heat?
h|s|g ok i adm_it he ater was there first 101208
Ouroboros my wall heater is also where i place my dresser! 101209
what's it to you?
who go