elliott smith they say that god makes problems just to see what you can stand before you do as the devil pleases

give up the thing you love
emmi why should you give it up? 060117
unhinged love creates attachment
attachment creates misery
misery creates suffering
no one deserves it
anyone deserves it
the healthier version of love

i'm gonna find the rest of the lyrics to that song
it's one of my favorite elliot songs
unhinged goddamnit

i want that cd back from him
Ouroboros walk in on the one you love fucking someone else


i'll be paying off that karmic debt for a long time
stork daddy but everyone deserves it. for thinking it's not possible, or going to be different, or not part and parcel of the aspects we do enjoy. no one deserves life, so everyone deserves it. and clamors for it. like buzzing bees. 060920
LS "Deserve" is a cousin of "fair". They are ideals, and only become reality when someone acts to make it so. In the natural order of things, they don't exist. 060921
stork daddy it's a word we use for a causality we approve of, and which nature does not always furnish. 060921
what's it to you?
who go