Photophobe Why would you pull up a bunch of old blathes and put a dot on the end "."?

oyu seem to do this constantly.
Is this your way of knowing what you've already read when you're blatherstalking?

It does seem to be more than one person, just going by emails. Ahh confusing!
pralines&cream Perhaps they think that the blathe deserves to be read again, but they don't want to defile the wonderfullness of it by blathering on there. Thus, the ".", to refrain from blathing on it while still getting it into the recent column for people to read. I rather like the idea. 020402
continuous ache must've just missed you. either that or no one's blathed for a couple of hours.
your blathes are still all at the top of the list.
Photophobe Can't really say. There were about 3 or 4 people balthing at the same time as me, so.. 020402
Casey I'm somtimes guilty of it during the summer when I'm sitting here all a;one with nothing to do. 020402
User24 I sometimes put my name in the the 'you' box, but just a dot in the 'says' box, usually it's because I've started blathing, then thought against it, then started again, then realised that I either can't add anything to the blathe, or that I can't adequetly (sp?) express my opinions on the matter. 030705
what's it to you?
who go