sarpedon home of the Zanzibarbarians. 001103
Barrett Birthplace of Freddie Mercury. 001103
Shugarhi "Zanzibar, Zanzibar, you can't get there in a car. It's too far to Zanzibar."

That's a little bit of a song I once heard on a road trip. I don't even know who sings it, but it was obnoxious because the entire trip was about 4 1/2 hours and that song played over and over and over again and the guy who sang it had an annoying voice that grated on my nerves...
god that sounds almost as terrible as having to listen to a barry manilow song 011101
The Lecturer in Recent Runes its quite a cool place to go for a holiday. 030104
thieums A lot of points if you play scrabble, I say. 040413
Lint Lover The pen name of the blond writer girl in Boulder who smacked him on the hand for signing his name in the wrong place.

You didn't kill her only because there were too many witnesses,I saw it in your eyes!
tenacious dick i'll order it from ZANZIBAAAAR 080411
flowerock I also thought "Tenascious D!" when I red this... fond childhood memories. 140128
flowerock maybe if I have such love for the 'D I could do them the service of spelling correctly... 140128
what's it to you?
who go