Splinken woke up at around 2 a.m. with the sweats.

the thing with my back or my kidneys or whatever the fuck it is returned in full force. and i was really really hungry for some reason. had just had a cryptic dream about the boyfriend.

Brad eeeeeek 000622
grendel each morning, though the house is cold
(all thanks to evaporative refrigeration)

my own cowardice in the matter twisting me in knots from the inside out.
Once, i tormented myself over a lost love.

for a while after, i alternated between numbness and bitterness.

and then as if someone had unstitched my eyes, there she was.
But what can i say to charm her?
what, indeed, when my face tells traces of tales i do my best to keep secret outside of this place?

"i am not worthy, ...but only say the word..."
what's it to you?
who go