unhinged i didn't have the strength left to argue

i shouldn't have to convince you
i'm worth something
birdmad a few days back was an_anniversary_of_sorts

it's mostly just me kicking_my_own_ass on a cyclical basis anymore

I was doing well at not thinking about her until someone who looked just like her started riding the same bus for awhile, then it was one giant backslide into it.
unhinged second time is the last time (the person behind my original post made me realize the folly of pressing repeat on the same mistake over and over) 190712
nr i don't know if it's better or worse that with the most recent people, i've been able to sense when part of them has left me before they've realized they have completely decided to. on one hand, it preps you slightly; on the other, it's the loneliest feeling when it's happening. 190712
what's it to you?
who go