Doar Does anybody else like these guys?

Must be the headbanger still lurking around in me.
birdmad yeah

"what do i have to do?" has frequently been my inadvertent theme song
Doar What do you think of their latest release Birdmad? 040621
bird didn't know they had one... I thought they broke up early last year


may have to check that out
waking up beside you Stabbing Westward, you mean? 040621
Doar Yeah. thanks for the friendly BSC. 040622
How can I hold on.... Also birdmad, I hadn't heard they had broken up, granted I haven't really been following the news on them for awhile. It might explain some things though.

lacunas coil The bloated out portion of the map looms in the west. To the east is the rising sun, filling me with life and hope. South is home, but not nearly south but far south. Far far south. To the next continent, down near the bottom. There it is nicer I hear. But perhaps it is not. I stab westward with my pen, to add ink to the ever growing bloat. 040622
what's it to you?
who go