mos sometimes i do. 050819
lobsterman but whenever i do, it's never loud enough. i'm still here. the noise isn't drowned out. the silence weighs so heavy. 050819
mr. i try. and i have, inside of a car, in a parking lot, lost inside my own insecurities and other no so subtle uncertainties - sometimes being alone for too long will take its toll on you. 060413
misstree he was at my door while i was showering
i even heard him knock
but i didn't answer, i as
covered with soap,
and another lovely slips
right through my fingers.
so_close! thawrted!
and i want to scream and cry
save a little room for self-pity
you're got too much of it in the kitchen
best serve it up before it rots
'cause the stench is a bitch to get out.
unhinged and then i do and i feel better.

scream more, cling less
poet sometimes i wish i had a personal mountain
to scream off of, and listen to the echo

pillows dont cut it sometimes
what's it to you?
who go