shadow le crowl hello mon ami...

red_blather applauds your daily contributions and deeply respect your innate ability to see, observe, and translate it to your world.

you are homemade paper that the artist writes upon.

1one. what has living on an island done for you?

2two. if i asked you what does it mean to have a tiger in your arms, what would you say?

3three. what have you learned about life in the process of making paper?
mon a summary upon which i shall expand:

1un. boundaries. horizons.

2dau. safety. security. resistance.

3tri. experience. pulp of tree. are what we make.
sans nom hello? 031224
nom hello 031224
sans nom forgetting something here?
speak up
i can't hear what you're thinking
nom oh,
alright then
i have been thinking about these three questions a holy lot, i have thought of many answers and counter-answers and reflected upon why i gave the above summary
nom stop talking to yourself mon 031224
mon okay 031224
mon what is an island
what is a boundary
what is a horizon
what is done
sans nom go on... 031224
nom i will 031224
mon what is a tiger
what is safety
what is security
what is resistance
mon what is experience
what is pulp of tree
what is what me make
sans nom are you awake? 031224
nom no
i'm afraid
mon i will return to these tracks
when the light of another day is here
sans nom are you asleep? 031224
nom no
i'm afraid
sans nom so let's hear some more shall we? 031225
nomme okay 031225
nom i found a crab in the sand once
the day i saw the beavers building their damn

i was kartwheeling and my hand
brushed the edge of a clam
and i watched the crabs running
sideways in the sand
mon i thought what a perfect home
this land where they lived their time
these crabs in their burrows
the seaweed and the long stretching strand
driftwood and crying gulls
mon marina
had shown me all the shells
she had
from all her trips
to all the beaches
with pails and family
and they would wash them in their
driveway when they got home to clean
them up and keep them
i loved seeing the shells
i longed for the day
i would play all day
in the sand and watch the beavers
build their damn in the forest
by the sea
nom when i saw the crabs
and clams
i wanted to keep one
i wanted to remember the sea
when i went to sleep
i wanted the ocean beside me
nom the ride home on the bus
i played with the crab
a touch of water and
sand in an ice cream bucket

what would i feed it?
where would i keep it?

it was a gift
nom blank, i forget what happened to it
i am sure it must've died
i didn't know how to take care of it
i should have left it by the seaside
mon standing on that beach i felt powerful waves from the pacific 031225
mon i wished that i was a mermaid
or a dolphin so i could swim
i couldn't swim
mon a ferry brought me there and
a ferry carried me away
nom i used to watch the sunset from my rooftop
i thought i could see the ocean in the distance
above the houses and pines
nom the shore kept us
safe from the sea
from washing the forest away
the land was a barrier to the water
the water a boundary to the land
together they created a horizon
i could see from my window
a shore i could walk upon
sans nom what was learned what was done? 031225
mon four houses four different locations

i learned so many things
i had great teachers
the environment left
an imprint in me
a collection of shells
coverned in barnacles
sans nom but what of your island now? 031225
mon an island
is now
my home
sans nom and what are you learning?
what has living on an island done for you?
mon everything can teach us
everywhere i look there is
a new lesson being played

cold waters can never be crossed easily
even a strong swimmer can be pulled in by the rapids
i feel like i am living
in a dream painting with the
himalayas towering white in the distance
sans nom you do realize you are rambling?
plus you are talking to yourself
nom i know,
and i didn't even type what i was trying to say
sans nom and tiger in arms?
and pulp of paper?
nom those will have to weight 031225
nom i feel as though
i've let these questions down
crOwl you haven't let them down. you have
monned them, and that's a good thing to do.
crOwl what do you think about?

if you created your own language, what would you use for the word that means happiness?

if your life was a dream in the parallel world of someone else's sleep what would wake them?
mon oneeno)
i think about my thoughts a lot.
lately i've been thinking about a lot of thoughts i've thought but never fully thought.
the past couple days i have been especially thinking about trees and ancient houses and dreams that were clues i am now realizing from the past.

perhapsspahrep it would be: nessippah
or maybeebyam happinessssenippah

a bird splashing, chirping
the sunlight early, bright, warming
a talking voice, gentle, sweet
bark of dog, playing pup, or coyote yip
a moo, a neigh, a cock-a-doddle-doo
the flight of sparrows, from the eaves
a chuckle, a squeal, a sneeze, a shuffle
honk of cars, buzz of flies in window
a squeak_of_mouse, or volume of radio
ding ding, ring ring, bicycle bell
thud of newspaper, droplets of sprinkler
bean grinder, toast smell
the feeling of need
to open sleepy eyes
to be awake
to rise, as one might,
from a dream seeming strange
rt this is so awe-so-mon-e! 100203
what's it to you?
who go