h Is getting_neater 150304
flo_we_rock Slowly, but yes. 150305
flowerock. I am surprised by bitter people seem to be, how passive agressive and angry. I hear them as they pass by making comments out loud about the injustice they are facing, as if we are here at their expense. I pay the same taxes and breathe the same air. I'm sure we've all faced challenges and been in unfortunate situations. You made choices and we made ours. We are sober and working, loving and laughing, struggling and crying, hiding and frustrated, trying to exist without bothering anyone, but you're all very hard to please.
We live here, without water on demand or convenient electricity, without stability and under scrutiny. We wake up startled when loud trucks idle outside, when bright lights shine in, when you numb your bumper into ours or pound on our walls or shake them.
You say such cold things in passing, indirectly, or even right to our face when you catch us coming or going. If you met me on the bus or in a cafe, at a library or park, would you still me this way?

You do_what_you_can
what's it to you?
who go