misstree as i lay me down to sleep
it fell on me
where i had been a year ago
or thereabouts
i remember the flowers
blooming in the courtyard
where i made paper_cranes
and sat next to you by the vent
we held eachother
and cried and it was almost cleansing

i remembered last night
a year ago, the flowers blooming,
and i was back there
and it was all breaking again.

when i woke, it was sudden and desperate,
fleeing from a dreamscape where i remember
being hunted, not having keys nor weapon;
an uncommon occurence in my unconscious.
the first thought that flitted
when i heard the birds a-shirping was
"one year ago, i heard those birds
in a hospital bed while my world ended."
and again i was back there, and
my heart beats like it hasn't in forever,
running rabbit determined to search out exact date
and commemorate the occasion.

it must be put to rest.
ego hum at rest we are 220417
what's it to you?
who go