sabbie and i have a bite mark in the shape of mary's face. 011217
mary lynn mason i went to god just to see
and i was looking at me
god aw hell yeh!! 011217
bill ecorgette in you i taste god 011217
ClairE I see God in paper. 011217
ClairE and was that god on the five_o'_clock_news? 011217
sabbie and i run my tounge gently down your upper arm and marvel that billy was right 011217
squillo as "Bob Bitchen" I see him when i play black_sabbath at 78 speed 011217
god I'm looking through a hole in the sky
I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie
I'm getting closer to the end of the line
I'm living easy where the sun doesn't shine
roger waters in the flesh? 011217
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge ...and thats when i finally realized
that he had been within me
all the long
not in some
but within

¿[wonder if he'd get pissed if i charged him for back rent]?

or perhaps

?[god sees me through my flesh]¿
[either way i better not press my luck]
she in my flesh i see that which you admire.

in your flesh i see that which i desire.
three words in_my_flesh_i_see_god joshie icon 060812
what's it to you?
who go