*nat* then this world would be perfect, i would not get a hangover, then have sectionals all morning with a splitting headache!!!!
oh well, its ok, partys next week!!!!
stork daddy he would've created you. he would've had to utter for the first time perhaps, a word beyond good. 021130
celestias shadow technology would be a lot farther along as a result of those puritans not observing sunday as the holy day when nobody could work. 030901
closet ballerina "and on the seventh day, god created radiators, jam, and things that go 'oog!'"
-not sure who said that
jane i believe it was eddie_izzard 030902
misstree (old rocky line with the picture of god & adam at the bottom of the pool):

god said, "pull my finger!" and on the eigth day he created the winds...

(and from that day forth sunday was devoted to men in funny clothes blowing hot air)
what's it to you?
who go