Twitch I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless, but not for long,
The future is coming on...
nom) the power of wow 051018
Twitch I'm not really in to rap...but...

the gorillaz are so damn cool.
andru235 i'm glad you're feeling happy.

i was angry about it at first, but then i was like, "well, i suppose twitch has every right to be happy."

then i became indifferent, thinking, "twitch can be happy if he wants to, but i don't really care."

but then i realized that if you are happy, then i must be glad, per Iscoptolop's Theory of Happy-Induced Gladness Amongst E-Blathers During Mid-October. it was then that i became glad about your happiness, and now i cannot shake it.

oh, how i would love to rue your happiness, but noooo, i'm stuck being glad about it. that stupid Iscoptolop and his dumb old theory. anyway, congratulation.
Twitch Yep...You said a lot man...

Now I'm not quite happy...just...existing.

I'll have to try and change that.
andru235 it is worth it to strive for happiness. those who tell you otherwise are secret miserables seeking company. 051021
Twitch Best thing I've heard today! 051021
three words somewhere_i_belong i'm_happy_i'm_feeling_glad fiddle 060403
what's it to you?
who go