carden rolly polly fish_heads are never seen drinking cappucino in italian restaurants with oriental women... 010510
nocturnal that's not true. I saw some yesterday. 010510
Miner In the morning,
Laughing happy fish_heads,
In the evening,
Floating in the soup.

Ask a fish_head,
Anything you want too,
They wont answer,
They cant talk.
Tybay i took a fish head out to a movie
didnt have to pay to get it in
owko well everyone knows fish heads prefer tea over coffee so that would explain that one. i believe earl gray is their favourite.

*message from owko's lawyer*
my client is not a fish head expert and cannont be held responsable for any misleading or liabilous info i give concerning fish heads, also he pleads insanity.
farmfish fish heads make jolly good fertilizer. when we have sushi or cut up the sockeye, we throw the heads in the compost pile. 010510
The Schleiffen Man eat them up. YUM! 010727
girl_jane belong on fish bodies... 020331
jessica no rice.
that's for you, ryan.
furiana have eyes that stare sunkenly 050708
what's it to you?
who go