cliches incorporated some people move on 050116
dandy others would rather deny change is happening. Withhold themselves and anyone else from forgiveness. Living in a world where you don't get more outside data is easier. You never contradict yourself that way, only contradict reality. Forgive and let live and play another day. 050117
one again everyone makes mistakes.

no one is perfect.

"Yes," you say, "how cliche."

But do you really understand. No one has done every thing correctly. We have not all always made the rigth decision. Everyone has hurt someone. We are all the assholes here. Do you realise that even the one you love will fail? No one can bear the world on their shoulders and never let it crumble into bits at their feet.

Do not buy into the myth of perfection, for in the end all your myths will fail you. Watch instead for those worlds rebuilt with patience and kindness.
sab doesnt mean
i dont get
to point hers
what's it to you?
who go