farmfish i found a praying mantis and put it on the dasboard of my truck coz i wanted to take it home for fyn and ingrid to see. it tried to crawl up the side of the door most of the way home from greensburg. or it just sat there and looked like it was praying for strength because it kept sliding down, then tried again. over and over.

finally it cocked its head to the side and looked at me with its big ol' bug eyes like mr. magoo.

"let me go you fuck!"
unhinged we pulled up to the pump in the middle of the night and saw THE biggest praying mantis ever. it was probably at least a foot long. and she stopped at the diesel pump to get out of the car and look at it and the attendant came over the speaker and told her she was at the diesel pump. all to stare at a bug...a frickin huge bug at that. 011010
Inanna A marine mantis shrimp creeps up behind the praying mantis and begins to mate with it. This advanced process creates a very dangerous hybrid offring. These prolific creatures eat chunks out of anything that moves. These huge freaks of nature break the glass and now continue to breed out of the lab. 011010
unhinged . 180625
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