SaMaNtHa i am so confused....the one i love contradicts everything he says....

he loves me, he wants me back....

he just wants to be friends the next day....

shit, i'm tired of the head games
oh so spiffy one i'm confuzzled about this site 040108
silentlybroken she always used to say that, trying to be cute, even though I adored her more than she could ever, and most likely will never, know. 040108
june at a temporary destination i interpreted not to return to the sounding board so i figured it was on the mark

he told his superior that he wasn't coming to the playground again he was sick of being bullied by the big fish in the pond and he needed so much more than words

i am confuzzled everyday by conditions and prison cells
i'm fascinated with death
person mcperson O_o what is this site? im confuzzled... seems wierd. 050405
z it is blather 050405
devilbunny .....?????? 061110
what's it to you?
who go