how often must i waste my time
with life so short time is not mine
but what is waste and what is not
when time is wasted what is what
BlueMoonman Time is precious, why don't I follow this credo. Wasted seconds, minutes hours, vanishing into the distance forever.

I wish I could reclaim those lost pockets of time and give them a second chance. Each second is worthy of something. Some event waiting to be fulfill, some journey never started.

I hate my apathy.
birdmad that my time was wasted on any other terms than my own, and under DECEPTIVE pretenses is what i find significantly galling 050914
stork daddy that i didn't even know my terms led to a significant waste of time for me and everyone involved. but that was before the mutated roosters and the acid baths of chicago. a simpler time, when going to the carnival meant pac-man fever amongst the pretty pink squalor of paint-by-number faces and win another chance to win games lacking in chance. 050914
what's it to you?
who go