melvinwang my favorite word in the world, although not really. it appears in Huxley's brave new world, for example 010506
blueroses "smutty", to be exact. good book, that... sad, tragic, chilling at times. especially the part when they "conditon" the babies to loathe beauty and colour by electrocuting them everytime they go near a picture book. "smutty" is dirty, filthy, but not even in a half-respectable way... its reduced to the juvenile "yucky" habits that we're expected to "grow out of". 031203
scorpion heart ohh god that stupid smut! smuttinly smutten, smuttish smut!! 040228
Lemon_Soda Rebecca recoiled in amusing horror at the thought of stepping down into the mud to unmount her horse. Steven continued to hold his hand out to her, and gingerly, she took. With a wry smile he pulled her harshly from the mare and carried her quickly straight into the mess beneath his feet. His dirty blond hair had grown long over the summer, and Rebecca felt the moist heat of attraction make itself known. His strong arms... 040228
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