belly fire Mother, I need to talk to you.
I feel that I need your perspective as a woman. I feel that I need to relate to you and how you've felt inside your body over the last 55 years. I feel that maybe you could have some answers for me; something to offer, at least. I feel that there is an emptiness that comes from being objectified, a loneliness that comes from being a completely different sexual being from a man. I feel that you can totally love a man and still feel completely misunderstood by him. I feel that you might relate. Have you been trapped by your own desire to please someone, Mother? Have you felt like a vessel?
magpie said yesterday
"you've never been
on a vacation"
i know i said
"i could hitchhike
to nova scotia"
oldephebe god that was so honest, so beautiful 040605
kerry we pulled into the driveway and i was about to cry and didn't really know the reason. she seemed okay, used to picking up after us, ignoring our occasional rude comments. i looked at the plastic grocery bag sweating on the floor of the car, stuck to the sides of the milk that it held. i picked up the bag myself, heavy as it was, surprised that i hadn't waited and hoped for someone else to do it first as i normally would.
i got out of the car, elbow folding inward and outward with the weight of the bag slinging me off-kilter. she looked at me as she came around the front of the car. "want me to carry that?"
she is my mother; why wouldnt i do these things for her?
nom i don't want her to feel bad 060120
nom oh mother dear i cannot tell 070325
nom said maybe he's yet to fall madly in love with me but that if he doesn't someone will 070422
nom i told her yesterday i was sad
and that i couldn't eat
i never tell her i'm sad
or that i can't eat
Isaou Mother doesn't understand this teenage world I live in 070604
le leche league were you breast fed? 080116
margaux should i trust the government? 080117
cocoon it makes me sad that whenever i talk to you these days

1. i have to mentally prepare myself for the phone call
2. i want the phone call to be over as soon as possible
3. when its done, i feel depressed/stressed/angry/like crying.

i never thought i would feel this way
raze i thought i saw you in a restaurant. dyed red hair. green sweater. it was awkward before it became anything. then i realized it wasn't you, as suddenly as i'd thought it was. relief isn't a big enough word.

you wouldn't be eating out with friends like that woman was anyway. you don't have any friends. only people who buy the lies you sell them out of politeness or indifference or shared symptoms of a common disease.
epitome of incomprehensibility My parents were sitting on the couch. I had been wasting time sitting on my bed and picking up a random book about Montreal history, looking through the chapter that one of Dad's colleagues had written.

We were talking about her briefly - they were trying to remember her last name - and Dad mentioned something about her moving to this city with her husband. Mom: I thought she wasn't married. Did he die?

Dad: No...he went off to live with his boyfriend.

Me, from the floor, giving the dog a belly rub: Well, that's not fair.

Mom: It's *sick.*

Me: It wasn't fair, him being married. But what does "sick" have to do with it?

Mom: It's sick.

I can't sympathize with her when she's like this. I understand she had a strict upbringing, that her own mother frowned on her supposed deviations from normality (worry that she had a learning disability because of bad high school grades, though she graduated university magna cum laude). I feel bad for her arthritis, her past depression, her current bouts of sleeplessness. But if she has stupid prejudices, why doesn't she keep them in her own stupid head? I sound like a child.

Say the roles were reversed. If that man had been married to his husband and then ran off with a woman, say the Canadian historian. What would Mom think of that? Sick? Healthy? What's the opposite of sick? Take the literal meanings: being "sick" is not fun, but sickness is morally neutral. Health is morally neutral. Fair is good and unfair is bad. I may sound like a fucking child but at least I have a functioning moral compass.

I am not going to yell at her for something that isn't (directly) against me. That wouldn't be fair either.
what's it to you?
who go