402_325_6058 kids 000807
startfires i finally understood what was meant by "the fractal geometry of a sunset." i love my dad. he has dreams about tornadoes just like me. and in his dreams he says "wow, i can't belive this is the real thing, finally, the real thing." just like me. but it's not the real thing, it's just a dream like every other time before. i want to die in a tornado. 010525
burden I had a dream about a tornado and Danny Devito. I used to want to be a severe-storms meteorologist, but then I realized all of the work involved to get there, and my intense dislike for math and physics. I only saw the beauty of the funnel. I still see the beauty of the funnel. It is perhaps the single most fascinating thing to me. 010525
startfires mmmm. *nods in agreement* 010526
m_e woot, what emma used to call a wolf. just about the cutest thing in the world. 010529
yoink LOL@m_e

i can't believe we showed you this
what's it to you?
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