Effingham Fish Funniest man alive. 011202
niki i would love to spend just one day with him...i don't think i would laugh so much in my entire life if i did. 011202
Annie111 Help me!

I believe both of my legs are broken! Yes, yes, the bone is protuding from my skin, and the wound is beginning to smell distinctly of almonds!
SuicidalAngel I agree! He rocks! 011202
ClairE eh, he is from SNL, right? I saw it last night and it was the first time I have laughed at it in years.
niki the new one with derek jeter? i hate when they have sports stars or the like that have never acted before and never really take thier eyes off of the cue cards...that just bugs me too much 011202
ClairE "Derek Jeter? He looks like the_Rock had sex_with_a_muffin."

Come on, that was pretty funny!
silentbob i think he's funny, but not funnier than phil hartman. 011202
Aimee i agree bobby 011202
god will's got my vote 011202
what's it to you?
who go