daf A man buys plums to give away. After purchasing them, he notices that they are covered with pesticides, and so takes the time to wipe the poison from the fruit before giving it away. After the plums have been cleaned, he goes to a nearby poor house where there are people waiting in line for food.

"Would you like a plum?", he asks each person in line, until all of the plums are gone.

As the people enjoy the sweet plums, the man waits until each had tasted of them, then announces loudly to all, "These plums were poisoned.."

Almost to a person, everyone spits the plum from their mouths and throws the rest to the ground.

From this the man surmises that noone would have tasted the plums if they had guessed what the future held, nor would the plums' sweetness have been wasted if the past had been forgotten.

A plum is sweetest as it is, when it is, while it is.
. . 050719
egger . 050719
daxle pointless masquerading as a point 050719
daf Blather's more attractive..under Linux. 080211
daf The point: Sandwiched between our fear of the future and our ghosts from the past, is our happiness. 230314
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