steel flower girl #2 man at the bar
calls out derisively to the lone woman dancing.
eyes shut,
she winds, twirls, unwinds.
her legs are rhythmic capillaries
pulling notes up
from the reverberating floor
into shifting knees, gliding hips.
her movement is a fluid fortress.

I wonder where she learned
to ignore him.
I wonder how her mind came to be
swaddled safe in her bones.
no self-conscious slope to her neck.
no reflexive cringe in her shoulders
no bodily apology
for the swinging arc she traces.

mind and body
my own primal twins long cleft
by glancing fists
and pummeling eyes.
my movement, the furtive twitching of a hare.

body rigid, abandoned, forlorn.
mind taut, expectant and hovering.
wary, fumbling strangers they circle,
elusive, their union thwarts
the well-intentioned advice,
voices clicking like a metronome: "try this, try that."
the corrective hands of the Tai Chi master,
who touches without permission.

yet I sense their mutual approach
in the sound of my own throat loosening around a warbling note
in the deep breaths I carve from myself at the edge of sleep
in the prick of the acupuncturist's needle:

pulsing chi rushes to steel
a flicker of the craving that must be fulfilled.
marked . 031118
. absolutely gorgeous.

egger . 040203
. . 050518
what's it to you?
who go