re: cloyne, cloyne_fuck this first post was written the day after: i got drunk and blacked out for about 3 hours last night, hopping from party to party. i don't remember writing either of these things. the story is more interesting than that. i'm split on whether to tell the story chronologically based on what bits i've already put together, or to tell it from my perspective as i leared the pieces. the latter holds more humor, so i'll go with that. i woke up this morning, or, more precisely, this afternoon around 2, with a mild hangover. a rather bad cramp in my calf woke me, which wasn't surprising, as i often get cramps if i drink too much. i wondered what happened the night before. our house had a "special_desert", which is an "in_house" party (i.e., we don't advertise it in the world and don't charge cover) with tons of really good home made desserts and lots of cheap wine. there wasn't supposed to be anything predicating that the party would devolve into an orgy, but the last few "special_desert" type parties we'd had were called "bacchanalia", and that theme seemed to want to stick even if the current social_managers wanted to move away from it. plus, there was much talk of needing to corrupt the new members. i'd hung out for a bit, for about an hour, before any devolution really started happening. people wern't drunk yet. the deserts were good, and people were enjoying feeding them to each other (one of the tennants of the bacchanalia parties was that you couldn't feed yourself). i then .. oh, god, i forgot about that till just now.. went off with another house member who isn't so into interacting with new people, so i could get a tab of clorazepam.. to be continued, maybe.
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we went to her room, and i downed the pill with my cup of fairbanks "port" mixed with andre "champagne". we hung out for a while and talked, what about, i cannot now recall. other people kept showing up, though.. oren, susannah, cookie.. at some point we ran out of alchohol in the room and i ran down to mine to grab what i could find. i had three bottles of hard liquor with about 3 shots left in each: some dewar's for oren, some ketel one for shannon, and becherovka for me. and, because i didn't expect that stash of booze to last long, i grabbed the rest of the 1.5L bottle of port (the first half i had drunk the previous weekend; that's another story..). anywho. we ended up hanging out in shannon's room until about 12:30, when shannon kicked us out so that she could go to bed. this is the last thing i remembered the next morning. i woke up with a slight hangover. it seemed reasonable, i thought, that i would have gone to bed at that point (nevermind the fact that i didn't remember taking the pill). i'd been up since 7 the morning before, and i should have been damn tired in any event.. except i had this strange sensation that i had thrown up the night before. i assumed it must have been a dream, because i was clean, not covered in vomit.. and then i remebered something: after i had left shannon's room, i had gone to cloyne. after that, i had no recollection. this worried me. cloyne had had their room_to_room party that night. a bunch of czars had been going between the parties the whole night.. and i guess after we'd left shannon's room, i'd found a couple of people heading out and declared that i was going with them.. i'll tell their part of the story now, because it's short and doesn't fit in anywhere else.. they said i was obviously very drunk, not wearing any shoes (i'd left them early in the night), and carrying a large bottle of port with a not_insignificant amount of booze left in it. they told me that i didn't have any shoes on, and i said that was ok. they then asked if i was going to get arrested carrying around an open container of alchohol, and i said i wouldn't. i can sort of understand where i was coming from: the walk to cloyne is only two blocks. i have vague memories of staggering up the hill.. when i arrived at cloyne, i immediately ran into an old friend, and started talking to him. that's the last real memory i was able to dredge up, except for a couple of un_enlightening flashbacks. i guess that brings up a theme for the night. confusion.. it was damn hard trying to fit the pieces together. they didn't make sense. how did i get back from cloyne? what did i do there? i got up out of bed and decided to take a shower. outside the bathroom, i ran into.. adrian and ethan. some comment about me being in top form last night. i told them i couldn't remember.. and they said that wasn't surprising. at this point, i'm starting to wonder.. ethan tells his part of the story. apparently, sometime around 3 in the morning, i wandered into the red room (the main site of the festivities at our house) completely naked. he described in detail the contrast between my white body and the black corridor behind it.. then he described what had been happening in the room. he'd been handing out nos.. the party had definitely devolved, as any determinist could have told you was its fate.. there were several "cuddle piles" and a couple groups that had moved beyond that point.. and some others, maybe, just hanging out and chillin'. right. this is the point where i start reffering to people symbollically and not by name. i doubt they'd want it written here.. i apparently make a bee line straight for the pile where boy 'x' is going down on girl 'y' and fall down right on top of them. 'y' had been gunning to get into my pants for a few weeks at least and especially earlier in the party. i'd been avioding any sort of rendezvous for various logistical reasons (it's always problematic to become "involved" with someone who lives in your house).. and this may been one of the reasons why i'd bailed the party earlier. ethan tells that at first no one had any idea how fucked up i was. i managed to walk fairly normaly and seemed to know where i was going.. the next bits of the story are confused by the difficulty in getting details out of embarrassed tellers.. oral sex was performed. on me, most certainly, though tellers contradict each other when it comes to whether i performed any, and on who. they also contradict each other about whether or not i was able to get an erection. i doubt i was.. ethan says he realized i was really fucked up when he tried to feed me nos and i wasn't able to take any. he held a balloon to my lips, and i just chewed the end of it. adrian was in a discussion about what was the softest part of the body. she was proposing ear lobes, or maybe scrotum. my scrotum was chosen as a subject to test this hypothesis. the consensus was that ear lobes were softer. (to be continued..)
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i stood up at council the next day, amidst recounts of articles of clothing lost in the night's battle agaist prescience and sobriety, and announced "i, too lost some things. i lost 5 hours of memory, i lost my pants, and i lost my dignity".
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i'm re-reading this, and realizing there's a couple parts of the story i've left out. the first being, that at some point while i was at cloyne, after talking to flizz and lost_liz for a while, in the middle of the party, i sat down @ cloyne's public computer and wrote out the "cloyne" and "cloyne_fuck" blathes, which i didn't discover for several days. i've always been somewhat surprised that i can write out things that are perfectly grammatical and properly punctuated but completely nonsensical (and i don't think i've ever posted the other major example of that to blather. maybe someday).
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and the second being .. the face i saw in my mind when i woke up, and the story about that.
what's it to you?