flux they eat my brain
they suck my name
they hold my heart
they chafe my scarf
they seem to be
an enemy
they aint anything so no
parka so karpa

and liz, she's a math major.
flux "Their symptoms included anxiety, rapid heart rate, chest pains, 'and a feeling of doom'" 060907
flux are police allowed to get a warrant that enables them to search every apartment in a building? 060908
Jarec No 060908
flux a kid od'd on coke there a week afterwards, but because he did so on a friday evening, and the initial autopsy was inconclusive, the media circus never quite converged..
be more careful, children..
the rumors about the general warrant were false, but i've seen nothing that indicates that such a thing would not be possible. very unlikely, though.
flux not coke, methadone... 061016
flux bacch 140728
what's it to you?
who go