paste! A Partner
with The H.T. Bourgheson Gallery speaks to The Skinny Man

"That the sidewalk would be dangerous
covered in butter
is all I’m trying to say here.
When you slip we all catch our breath.
My theory, the one that propels me through life,
is that as humans we are all artifacts.
Trust that I just want to help.
I’m an investor.
We all like the cut of yer jib.
And we are confident in you,
that you can deal with this without our assistance.
What you think is your ribcage
is the Fragile Golden Harp of Debulét—
and hiding in your body
what will and should award you
a lifetime free of worry
is a mistake.
But before anything else,
here, have, TAKE these rubber boots
they’re a real insurance."
rubydee sticking out
almost just so
after just enough
well almost enough
years of dieting
devalis protects
and imprisons
that which no longer belongs to me
what's it to you?
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